maraschino liqueur bottle

Maraschino liqueur is a great bottle to have on hand when making a number of classic cocktails.  It is made from Marasca cherries, which are found along the Dalmatian coast in Croatia.  Most bottles are produced in Croatia or Italy, with the Luxardo brand being the most well-known, with its green bottle wrapped in straw.

As with most liqueurs, maraschino will be used to sweeten cocktails and is therefore used in smaller quantities in most drinks, usually 1/2 to 3/4 oz.  The flavor is smooth but sharp and a bit flowery.  Some key brands you’ll find include Luxardo, Maraska, and Cristiani (pictured).  I consider all three of these to be similar in flavor, with Maraska (Croatian) and Cristiani (Italian) being more affordable bottles for your bar.  There are other brands you may find as well, though beware that some can be less smooth with an overly-flowery flavor profile.
